Overview of AWS Certification Training Course

IT DIKSHA will give you hands-on Training about all AWS Courses. IT DIKSHA Experirnced Trainers will coach you with deep knowledge and provide corporate-level training.

Benefits of taking the AWS Certification Courses

you should know that the scope of the AWS Courses from IT DIKSHA will help you to
  • Develop professional expertise.
  • Help you prepare for the upcoming IT professional job market trends.
  • Increase the visibility of your resume.
  • Validate your expertise and credibility.
  • Increase your earning potential.
  • Help expand your professional network.

Related job roles

AWS Support Engineer
AWS Architect
AWS system administrator
AWS system integration specialist
AWS infrastructure specialist
AWS consultant

Why Should You Learn AWS

  • The average salary of a AWS Engineer in India is Rs 8,12,453 Per year
  • Entry-level positions start at Rs 4.5 Lacks per year
  • You are in demand – You can continue to work in India or pursue work overseas, AWS skills will be high on the list of priorities for organizations.
  • The pay is very good – Earning opportunities are endless because of the demand and need for good and skilled AWS Engineers.
  • Training Course


    Job Roles


    Education should be Diploma in any discipline or any degree (BCom, BSc, BA, BE, etc…) and one Should have a basic knowledge of system administration, either on windows or Linux platforms. If you need to get more information about the course or learning benefits, kindly contact this number +91 8217557175

    AWS Courses

    Training and LAB Sessions will be provided in accordance with the specified modules or chapters.
    After completing this training and receiving your OEM certification, you will be hired in the market.

    Intended Audience

    Security engineers
    Security architects
    Information security

    Course Objectives

    Assimilate and leverage the AWS shared security responsibility model
    Architect and build AWS application infrastructures that are protected against the most common security threats
    Protect data at rest and in transit with encryption
    Apply security checks and analyses in an automated and reproducible manner
    Configure authentication for resources and applications in the AWS Cloud
    Gain insight into events by capturing, monitoring, processing, and analyzing logs
    Identify and mitigate incoming threats against applications and data
    Perform security assessments to ensure that common vulnerabilities are patched and security best practices are applied


    AWS Cloud Practitioner
    AWS Security Fundamentals
    Working knowledge of IT security practices and infrastructure concepts
    Familiarity with cloud computing concepts

    Hands-on Activity

    Entry points on AWS
    Security considerations for Web Application environments
    Securing network communications inside the Amazon VPC
    Application security with incident response
    Data security with incident response
    Security considerations for a hybrid environment
    Securing network communications inside the Amazon VPC
    Application security with incident response
    Account management on AWS
    Security considerations for a serverless environment
    Secrets management on AWS
    Automating security and incident response on AWS
    Threat detection and sensitive data monitoring
    Training and LAB Sessions will be provided in accordance with the specified modules or chapters.
    After completing this training and receiving your OEM certification, you will be hired in the market.

    Module 1: Reviewing Architecting

    Group Exercise: Review Architecting on AWS core best practices
    Lab 1: Securing Amazon S3 VPC Endpoint Communications

    Module 2: Single to Multiple Accounts

    AWS Organizations for multi-account access and permissions
    AWS SSO to simplify access and authentication across AWS accounts and third-party services
    AWS Control Tower
    Permissions, access, and authentication

    Module 3: Hybrid Connectivity

    AWS Client VPN authentication and control
    AWS Site-to-Site VPN
    AWS Direct Connect for hybrid public and private connections
    Increasing bandwidth and reducing cost
    Basic, high, and maximum resiliency
    Amazon Route 53 Resolver DNS resolution

    Module 4: Specialized Infrastructure

    AWS Storage Gateway solutions
    On-demand VMware Cloud on AWS
    Extending cloud infrastructure services with AWS Outposts
    AWS Local Zones for latency-sensitive workloads
    Your 5G network with and without AWS Wavelength

    Module 5: Connecting Networks

    Simplifying private subnet connections
    VPC isolation with a shared services VPC
    Transit Gateway Network Manager and VPC Reachability Analyzer
    AWS Resource Access Manager
    AWS PrivateLink and endpoint services
    Lab 2: Configuring Transit Gateways

    Module 6: Containers

    Container solutions compared to virtual machines
    Docker benefits, components, solutions architecture, and versioning
    Container hosting on AWS to reduce cost
    Managed container services: Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon
    Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) AWS Fargate
    Lab 3: Deploying an Application with Amazon EKS on Fargate

    Module 7: Continuous Integration/
    Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

    CI/CD solutions and impact
    CI/CD automation with AWS CodePipeline
    Deployment models
    AWS CloudFormation StackSets to improve deployment management

    Module 8: High Availability and DDoS Protection

    Common DDoS attacks layers
    AWS WAF web access control lists (ACLs), real-time metrics, logs, and security automation
    AWS Shield Advanced services and AWS DDoS Response Team (DRT) services
    AWS Network Firewall and AWS Firewall Manager to protect accounts at scale

    Module 9: Securing Data

    What cryptography is, why you would use it, and how to use it
    AWS CloudHSM architecture
    FIPS 140-2 Level 2 and Level 3 encryption
    Secrets Manager

    Module 10: Large-Scale Data Stores

    Amazon S3 data storage management including storage class, inventory, metrics, and policies
    Data lake vs. data warehouse: Differences, benefits, and examples
    AWS Lake Formation solutions, security, and control
    Lab 4: Setting Up a Data Lake with Lake Formation

    Module 11: Migrating Workloads

    What edge services are and why you would use them
    Improve performance and mitigate risk with Amazon CloudFront
    AWS Global Accelerator: IP addresses, intelligent traffic distribution, and health checks
    Lab 5: Migrating an On-Premises NFS Share Using AWS DataSync and Storage Gateway

    Module 12: Optimizing Cost

    On-premises and cloud acquisition/deprecation cycles
    Cloud cost management tools including reporting, control, and tagging
    Examples and analysis of the five pillars of cost optimization

    Module 13: Architecting fot the edge

    Business drivers and the process for migration
    Successful customer practices
    The 7 Rs to migrate and modernize
    Migration tools and services from AWS
    Migrating databases and
    AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT)
    Training and LAB Sessions will be provided in accordance with the specified modules or chapters.
    “After completing this training and receiving your OEM certification,” you will be hired in the market.

    Course Outline

    The AWS Security Best Practices training is ideal for those responsible for implementing and maintaining the security of enterprise data and IT infrastructure This includes IT administrators, security professionals, cloud architects, developers, system engineers, and other related IT personnel Those attending the training may have little or no prior knowledge of AWS security and will benefit from a deeper understanding of the various security options and implementations available with AWS This training provides attendees with the information necessary to effectively identify, assess, and mitigate security risks across their AWS environment and ensure that access to AWS resources is secure and compliant
    Training and LAB Sessions will be provided in accordance with the specified modules or chapters.
    After completing this training and receiving your OEM certification, you will be hired in the market.

    Module 1: Security on AWS

    Security design principles in the AWS Cloud
    AWS Shared Responsibility Model

    Module 2: Security OF the Cloud

    AWS Global Infrastructure
    Data Center Security
    Compliance and Governance

    Module 3: Security IN the Cloud –
    Part 1

    Identity and Access Management
    Data Protection
    Lab 01 – Introduction to Security Policies

    Module 4: Security IN the Cloud –
    Part 2

    Securing your infrastructure
    Monitoring and detective controls
    Lab 02 – Securing VPC Resources with Security Groups

    Module 5: Security IN the Cloud –
    Part 3

    DDoS mitigation
    Incident response essentials
    Lab 03 – Automating Incident Response with AWS Config and AWS Lambda

    Module 6: Course Wrap Up

    AWS Well-Architected tool overview
    Training and LAB Sessions will be provided in accordance with the specified modules or chapters.
    After completing this training and receiving your OEM certification, you will be hired in the market.

    Module 1 : Introduction to amazon
    web services

    AWS Global Infrastructure
    Demonstration AWS Management Console

    Module 2: AWS compute

    Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
    Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
    Amazon Simple Storage Service
    Amazon Elastic Block Store
    Demonstration: Amazon Simple Storage Service
    Hands-on lab: Build your VPC and launch a web server

    Module 3: AWS networking

    AWS Identity and Access Management
    Demonstration: AWS Identity and Access Management

    Module 4: AWS storages

    SQL and NoSQL databases
    Data storage considerations
    Hands-on lab: Build your database server and connect to it

    Module 5: Databases

    Auto scaling
    Load balancing
    Cloud Watch
    Trusted Advisor
    Hands-on lab: Scale and load balance your architecture